Lithium battery

Lightweight, these batteries can be recharged whenever desired and are always ready to use

Lithium technology is now available for Comac cleaning machines. 

These batteries are extremely light and easy to transport, and can be placed in any position. Furthermore, they do not require maintenance, and can be charged anywhere, with no need for special considerations.

With an extremely fast charging cycle, lithium batteries do not self-discharge and are thus always ready whenever and wherever they are required; they can therefore be used multiple times in the space of a single day. 

This technology makes it possible to reduce the use of energy required from the power supply.


  • Guaranteed consistent performance and full power until full discharge
  • Charge maintained for very long periods compared to traditional batteries
  • Recharge whenever desired without having to worry about the annoying “memory effect” that affects traditional batteries
  • They are generally free from heavy metals, which are highly damaging to the environment, such as cadmium.
  • The charge of a lithium battery has a very high efficiency
  • in 1 hour, an ion battery can be charged to 50%
  • A lithium battery is three times lighter than a lead battery